Each year, World of Concrete exhibitors submit their products to Concrete Construction’s Most Innovative Products Award Program. This is the only annual award program honoring innovative new products designed for all segments of the concrete and masonry industries. The annual event showcases to World of Concrete attendees and readers of the official show magazines the best new products that will be exhibited at World of Concrete 2019.
We are honored to announce that Dragon Screed has been awarded the Most Innovative Product in the Slab Tools, Equipment and Materials Category. This Industry Choice award was voted on by World of Concrete attendees as well as visitors to ConcreteConstruction.net. As reported by Construction Business Owner, World of Concrete 2019 was the largest event in a decade, with more than 60,000 attendees and more than 1,500 exhibitors representing the concrete industry.
Thank you to everyone that attended World of Concrete 2019, cast a vote for Most Innovative Product or stopped by the Dragon Screed booth. We are extremely proud of this